Succession plans may sound easy compared to the alternatives. Hear how ripping off the Band-Aid compares to family buy-outs with strings attached. From managing the business to managing their health, Jeff Phillips’s parents never enjoyed their golden years in retirement. It may be an extreme reaction, but at 47-years old, Jeff decided it was time to exit after his dad’s passing.
Although his father is no longer with us, his wisdom lives on in this Boardroom conversation. From ‘build it to sell’ to ‘do something and do something very well’, Jeff’s dad personified the Blue Chip mentality.
After taking over as Blue Chip leaders, Jeff and his sister, Kim, ran an efficient business. Measure and manage. Routing, recurring, and responding to leads were a handful of monitored metrics. Knowing their numbers helped them when it came to save on overtime.
Scott Stevenson, Doug Stevenson, Court Parker, and Sean McCauley. Now add Jeff to the list of U Groupers appearing on The Buzz. By picking up on the lessons while not making all the mistakes, hear how his peer group experience enhanced his bottom line. When it was time to make changes, Jeff realized that customers much like dropped children are resilient.
There were times that Jeff found he already had the secret sauce. When scheduling headaches became a problem to solve, his business adopted exterior only service before it was popular. In terms of marketing, pest control is not sexy. It’s about front of mind awareness. Jeff shares the balance between office location and paid remarketing ads.
Co-Produced, Edited, and Mixed by Dylan Seals of