Global M&A Advisor to the Residential, Commercial, & Business Services Industries

  • Digital Marketing Strategies for Fire Protection Businesses with Mat Rogers and Paul Giannamore

    “Boost your fire protection business with effective digital marketing strategies! 🚀 In this interview, Paul Giannamore sits down with Mat Rogers, COO of Lizard Marketing, to explore how fire protection businesses can enhance their online presence and attract more clients. From the importance of SEO and content creation to leveraging AI and contact marketing, Mat…

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Off the Record

Quick blurb description of this show. Duis lobortis lectus et mauris egestas vestibulum. Morbi sed felis quam.

The POTOMAC Experience

Quick blurb description of this show. Duis lobortis lectus et mauris egestas vestibulum. Morbi sed felis quam.

The Breakdown

Quick blurb description of this show. Duis lobortis lectus et mauris egestas vestibulum. Morbi sed felis quam.