Global M&A Advisor to the Residential, Commercial, & Business Services Industries

  • Sell-Side M&A Masterclass Q&A: Buyer Tactics, Leverage, and Negotiation Strategies

    In this latest installment of Paul Giannamore’s Sell-Side M&A Masterclass series, Paul answers viewer-submitted questions about the high-stakes world of mergers and acquisitions. This Q&A dives into the psychological and strategic elements behind structuring a competitive sale process, maintaining leverage with buyers, and navigating critical negotiation moments. 🔹 How do buyers assess competition—and whether you’re…

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Off the Record

Quick blurb description of this show. Duis lobortis lectus et mauris egestas vestibulum. Morbi sed felis quam.

The POTOMAC Experience

Quick blurb description of this show. Duis lobortis lectus et mauris egestas vestibulum. Morbi sed felis quam.

The Breakdown

Quick blurb description of this show. Duis lobortis lectus et mauris egestas vestibulum. Morbi sed felis quam.