Paul Utts directed RID Pest Control to provide a more than comfortable lifestyle. Now writing the last chapter of his pest control career, he still has some work to do before sailing into the sunset.
With this transaction completed, it is time to tell the story of how Paul Utts stumbled into the industry. What ends an era in pest control services for Paul, began as a waiter at a kosher hotel. While he credits this role for learning customer service, would you agree that this time planted the seed for his love of acting?
After college, Paul learned a lot about food safety as a health inspector. Seafood or see food? As a health inspector, did his inspections reveal a kitchen’s true character? There are some technical bits in this Boardroom banter, but tune into the sales opportunities and advice.
From inspector to management to an owner, Paul wore many hats in his storied career. “Managing from a P&L is fascinating” may not be the only line that he feeds during this interview. Speaking of management, he shines the light on using bonuses to motivate. Wow-ing your customers can be as simple as answering the phone. Is it too much to ask to get a ‘hello’ from the other side when you call a service company?
Vulnerability comes to mind when it’s time for due diligence. Before that scene plays out, acquirers should take a cue to shift their focus to the seller. Which hat did Viking Pest Control wear to the courting conversations?
And for the record, Utts is not his Jewish name.
Co-Produced, Edited, and Mixed by Dylan Seals of