Andreas was first mentioned in Episode 23 via shared credit for Nomor’s turnaround alongside Svein Olav Stölen and Robert Stierngranat. It’s time to put the spotlight on former Nomor COO Andreas and his wife, Victoria. Victoria represents the world’s largest privately held leadership development organization, Franklin Covey. (Yes, as in Stephen Covey’s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Franklin Covey.) Victoria shares a lot of the lessons given in her Wall Street Journal bestseller, Everyone Deserves a Great Manager, a book she co-wrote with Scott Miller and Todd Davis.
As an executive coach, author, and keynote speaker, Victoria is on a mission to help first-level leaders. There is a wide gap between donning the title of leader and receiving proper leadership training. There are finance classes and degrees, for example, but where can you go to learn leadership? Often with a lot of chaos and a little planning, promotions are handed out to the best individual contributors. Is it possible to design and implement a formal training program? Strategy takes top priority for senior executives, but should leadership development take the front seat?
Not only did Andreas dive into the unglamorous pest control industry, but he landed in the middle of a wasp summer at the start of Nomor’s turnaround. Undeterred by the bad season at a troubled business, Andreas injected his hospitality experience into the industry. Trust, determination, and pride were critical in the turnaround. What really stands out though is when Andreas shares the first commandment of leadership: Know thyself.
It’s easy to throw stones at selling during a service call, but it’s hard to argue when you’re adding value. That’s sales and service. With previous experience inside larger organizations, Andreas, Svein Olav, and Robert, built and refined incentives to create a winning culture. It’s a relief to hear that incentives can be refined through trial & error.
Senior executives underestimate the importance of being leadership coaches. Watch (or listen) as Victoria coaches Paul and Patrick throughout the interview. From formal feedback to employee engagement to adapting to change, you’ll find ample relevant advice throughout this Atlanta interview.
Co-produced, Edited, and Mixed by Dylan Seals of Verbell.Ltd