The Boardroom Buzz is the go-to resource for cutting-edge insight on strategy, valuation, and mergers & acquisitions in the home and business service industry. The Boardroom Buzz is THE podcast for shareholders, board members, and senior managers in the space.
The Boardroom Buzz is presented by Potomac and co-hosted by Paul Giannamore, Patrick Baldwin (FRAXN), Nick Bartolo (Essential Partners), and Chase Hazelwood (Go Forth Home Services).
If you’re not too busy breaking fire boards or walking on crushed glass, step into The Boardroom with Mike Agugliaro. On his own at age 15, Mike chose the martial arts and vocational school combo. Follow Mike’s path scaling from electrician to entrepreneur to exits. Exits, yes, plural.
It’s not often that Patrick gets away with giving Paul homework. In no particular order, The Boardroom duo makes it through a top seven list. Now it’s time for you to do your homework.
You won’t believe it until you hear it, but don’t miss out on some real sage advice from a pair of forty year olds. Step into this Boardroom conversation to hear how these students turned lecturers and businessmen turned investors found their way to a 2-platform exit with Rentokil.
Diversification goes a lot further than choosing multiple asset classes. Paul shares his investing mindset that goes beyond increasing wealth and into preservation. From crypto to commodities, there are various playbooks out there, but is there one that can solve for inflation? Paul can’t predict the future, but he does see trends reversing.
Allan says, “Don’t start with why. Start with buy.” From attribution to target market, The Boardroom Buzz guest gives great advice on marketing for service businesses. Would it really be a Boardroom Buzz episode without mentioning pricing? Allan even gives his recent experience shopping for a plumber… and from there, a 1-star idea is born.
Patrick received Bryan’s The Good Life Rules in 2009 as a gift, and you can say the rest is history. Although Bryan denies it, the book had an impact on Patrick’s life. Now, Bryan is on a mission to fight for family businesses.
There is more chatter about private equity. Is this a tell-tale sign of the bubble? What scenarios make sense for private equity to win deals? Can private equity pay as much as acquirers? Paul provides answers on why and why now. You can’t miss Paul citing his investment banking business mentor’s 2003 speech. Do you…
Stockholm-based Anticimex views North America as a new frontier. AX entered the US in 2016, and now sits at #8 on PCT’s Top 100 list. With $1 billion in its sights, will AX provide coast-to-coast coverage like its North American counterparts?
Andreas has shared credit for Nomor’s turnaround alongside Svein Olav Stölen and Robert Stierngranat. It’s time to put the spotlight on the former Nomor COO Andreas and his wife, Victoria. Victoria represents the world’s largest privately held leadership development organization, Franklin Covey. (Yes, as in Stephen Covey’s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Franklin…
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