Jeremy Kreer grew up in a family pest control business. Jeremy opens up about Advanced Pest Management’s operations behind closed doors. All seems on-track for future generations until Jeremy’s parents go through a divorce. Dealt a bad hand, how did Jeremy buy out his Mom’s shares, and how did that affect the family dynamic?
To drive the wedge even further, how did Jeremy’s dad respect Jeremy as a business leader? Enter Nam, Jeremy’s brother, full-time in the business. Paul remembers Nam as a rockstar salesman, but as the business transitioned to Jeremy and Nam, how would it affect their relationship? To further complicate the 3rd generation ownership, what about relationships with their siblings?
Did the extracurricular dynamics call for extra TLC when it was time to sell? What about awkward explanations with potential suitors?
Flashback to previous conversations on the Buzz — On Episode 11, Paul spoke about shareholder objectives. The Kreer family dynamic reinforces the importance of aligned business partners. Jeff Annis and Dena Thomas discussed their open book management on Episode 22. Consider forced transparency as doubt creeps in.
As another 3rd generation business owner, Go-Forth Pest Control CEO Chase Hazelwood, joined us to give his input on Jeremy’s story. It is interesting to hear how the Kreer family’s story may affect Chase’s business planning.