Step into The Boardroom to hear how Sean McCauley built his empire. As the owner of Aantex Pest Control, Sean is now on pest control company number three. While pest control runs through his veins, it’s not the only ‘egg in his basket’. Sean has monetized his previous pest control investments to venture into other assets.
Sean shares his opportunistic outlook: there are different advantages in every regime. Hear how to detach from the business, when to run into the fire, and where to find opportunities. This week’s guest brings his crystal ball into The Boardroom. He sees a V-shape recovery. Will you heed Sean’s advice to chill out and ride the wave?
Put your economics hat on before stepping into this session. You will think about the bank after this episode. Whichever cards you think you are holding, remember the bank is the ‘apex predator’. Paul questions Sean on who has the most to gain in an inflationary environment.
With no topic off limits, it may surprise you to hear our guest’s take on Millennials. Speaking of funny money, Fannie and Freddie aren’t imaginary friends. Is the government-backed duo holding down interest rates?
Sean even reveals terms for his commercial real estate notes. Sean finds he has a lot to gain underwriting entrepreneurs, in addition to his hard asset portfolio. It is one way he has found to diversify his net worth. Listen for how Sean and Paul get their returns on time invested.
This is the unintended follow-up to Episode 14’s buy-side conversation. From someone that will “never have to work another day in my life”, Sean will encourage you to get un-lazy. Go out and find the deals.
If you’ve made it this far, you may survive Professor Paul’s Econometric After Party. Diversification 201 is in session. Sit back and hear how zombies do exist.
Sean says we live our life in unrealized gains. Does that saying go deeper than a real estate metaphor?
Co-Produced, Edited, and Mixed by Dylan Seals of