The marketing game is rigged. What would happen if advertising utilized a President-producing marketing machine? Phillip Stutts introduces his Undefeated Marketing System in this game-changing interview.
There isn’t enough room for our guest’s resumé. Phillip has worked on eight presidential campaigns. Here are a few previous clients: Pres. George W. Bush, Sen. Bob Dole, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. John Thune, and Gov. Ron DeSantis. And it turns out that Phillip and Paul share a mutual client.
In politics, understanding the voter comes before spending money. The same idea is true for advertising. Phillip’s screen-agnostic full-service marketing firm follows a five step process gleaned from the political arena. Skip a step. Skip success.
The Boardroom has been home to a few digital marketing discussions. Jeff Phillips, Tracy Judnich, and Darin Huffaker to name a few. The odds were stacked against (now) Gov. DeSantis. Phillip innovated. Phillip led the largest geo-farming (yes, *geo-farming*) campaign in the history of advertising, and in doing so led voters across party lines.
Most business owners talk about their business and how good it is. Guess what. Your customers don’t give two shakes. If you knew your customers’ most important values, wouldn’t that be useful? Your potential customer will see 10,000 ads today. It turns out that competition extends beyond other pest control companies. There is a secret weapon in the pest control industry. By using customer data, you can get an advantage over your competition every time.
Hear about a pest control company that lost money by advertising discounts. Perception is reality. Cheap and safety do not go hand in hand. Stutts’ Win BIG Media team increased the client’s top and bottom line with a ‘smarter’ campaign.
Don’t let looks fool you. Facebook, Coca-Cola, and Google don’t sell soft drinks or search engines. Then what do they sell? Owning data is not under-emphasized in this interview. Phillip found himself canceled. Hear how he seized the opportunity.
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Dogs >> Cats ;)
Co-Produced, Edited, and Mixed by Dylan Seals of