Guest Bryan Dodge kicks off the interview as the host as you’ll hear him interviewing Paul. Young Paul was an entrepreneur in the… farming industry?!? From Cornell to investment banking to private equity, Paul opens up about his world traveling backstory with Bryan.
It must be a prank when McGraw-Hill, one of the largest publishers in the world, calls you. It’s a good thing Bryan answered that call (twice) because he went on to write and publish The Good Life Rules in 2009. Shortly thereafter, Patrick received it as a gift, and you can say the rest is history. Although Bryan denies it, the book had an impact on Patrick’s life. It feels like today’s society requires formal education. It’s a stark contrast as you’ll hear about getting a job vs. making a fortune.
The Boardroom conversation turns to Bryan’s more recent book, The Principles of an Unstoppable Family Business. Bryan shares how the faces are different but the problems are the same, including overpaying family members.
There are lots of nuggets in this interview. Take notes, and as you’ll hear, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Don’t forget to pick up a free copy of one of Bryan’s books by emailing & cc: (Don’t forget to include your shipping address)
Now, grab yourself a drink, give your grandkids a Red Bull, and send in your questions for Bryan’s Bonus Buzz.
Co-Produced, Edited, and Mixed by Dylan Seals of Verbell.Ltd