Class is in session. Log this one in your planner as a case study on search funds. Harvard Business School classmates, Jay Davis and Jason Pananos, left their successful careers behind to find search funds, or maybe, search funds found them.
One minor (major) problem. The year is 2008. Armed with patient investors and critical criteria, the determined duo found themselves in pest control, specifically vector control. Their entry with Vector Disease Control International got the search fund party started, but hear how shortly thereafter they made a splash into lake management.
Fourteen acquisitions later, the HBS grads were not bashful about their buy-side bravery. Don’t be fooled though. Although ‘acquisition’ was in their name (Vector Disease Acquisition), they stress a more critical skill during this interview.
You won’t believe it until you hear it, but don’t miss out on some real sage advice from a pair of forty year olds. Step into this Boardroom conversation to hear how these students turned lecturers and businessmen turned investors found their way to a 2-platform exit with Rentokil.
Co-Produced, Edited, and Mixed by Dylan Seals of Verbell.Ltd