You can sprinkle pixie dust and hold your breath, or you can build a system to deliver a world-class experience for your customers. Stop waiting to exhale and step into The Boardroom with our guest Vance Morris. Vance shares his best practices for service businesses from his time at Disney operations. He’s going to clue you in on ways to set yourself apart from your competition. Hear how ownership mentality and employee engagement differ from Vance’s time while working with The Mouse.
You’ve thought about direct mail to grow your top line but have you tested it? Feel free to test it out at your expense, or learn from others’ experience in this Boardroom interview.
Lights. Camera. Action. The service industry puts all employees on stage. One bad act can shine a bad light on your business. It’s time to create a script for your technicians to follow. Are you struggling with scaling up-sells? It’s time to put the law of reciprocity to work.
From implementing a simplified mission to establishing a What-How-Why for each of your actors, this interview is full of tangible takeaways.
Disnify your business. Grab a copy of Vance’s book at
Roll the credits. Co-Produced, Edited, and Mixed by Dylan Seals of Verbell.Ltd