Not a week goes by where Paul and Patrick don’t hear about Episode 10 with Mike Rogers (if you haven’t listened to that episode, you might want to before you listen to this one).
Any Buzz listener would agree that Mike is the kind of guy that you want to hang out with and chat about life and business. No stranger to automobile love affairs, the road trip was made complete with Dylan making the drive down from Tennessee.
After spending time in Mike’s collector car showcase, the Rogers’ dining room table transformed into a recording studio to the benefit of Buzz bingers. Not only did it make for great coffee talk with a repeat guest, but the brains (and emotional stability) behind Killingsworth joined in on our Buzz banter. You’ll even hear Marley, the five-month old labradoodle, make his Buzz debut.
What tales didn’t make the Episode 10 tapes? Which stories are worth revisiting with Debbie’s joyful laugh? As the Killingsworth Kouple reminisce on their business and life together, they dish out sage advice on business, life and relationships as well as incredibly funny stories of the early years in unlicensed pest control.
At the end of the episode, Paul finally confronts Makenzie, the talent behind Milk Bottle Cookies. Does Paul endorse the infamous cookie, enraging the Mex, or does he cast aside Patrick’s not-so-secret pleasure, winning the Mex’s praise?
Patrick’s takeaway : before returning to Charlotte, learn to drive a stick shift.